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June 8th, 2015 by

The 2015 Q1 RESCUECOM Computer Reliability Report has arrived, showing longstanding contenders in reliability battling for the top spot along with a surprising comeback in one manufacturer’s reliability.
The Computer Reliability Report takes a manufacturer’s market share of computers and tablets in the U.S. and compares it against the number of tech support calls RESCUECOM receives for that manufacturer’s products to determine a reliability score. Read more »
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March 23rd, 2015 by

The computer and tablet reliability scores are in for the 2015 RESCUECOM Computer Reliability Report, bringing in some new names in the tablet market.
Most of the big names from previous reports have once again claimed a spot in the rankings for 2015, though several have notably risen or fallen in reliability score. Along with shifts in rankings among the report’s regulars, there are a couple of newcomers making a splash in the tablet world this year. Read more »
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November 21st, 2014 by

RESCUECOM’s 2014 Q3 Computer Reliability Report results are in, just in time to allow you to compare tech devices before buying on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. With all of the deals on technology this time of year, you want to make sure to get the best device you can for your money. Whether you are looking for a computer or a tablet, RESCUECOM’s Computer Reliability Report will give you all the information you need to make the right purchase. Even if you are looking to buy a device for someone else this holiday season, RESCUECOM’s convenient reliability grades will help you choose the perfect fit. Read more »
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October 22nd, 2013 by
It takes an especially well trained ear to be able to hear a song and learn it from scratch on guitar. While some musicians master this skill over time, others have struggled and wasted countless hours trying to learn new music from nothing more than a recording. Capo 3 is a cool product that looks to make learning music from a recorded track an easier and more feasible task. Capo 3, made by SuperMegaUltraGroovy Software, uses digital audio files to create musical notation so users can learn new music more quickly. The program accepts audio files in MP3, M4A, WAV, and AIFF formats. Once someone uploads a song into Capo 3, it produces musical notation by automatically detecting the chords played in the audio track. Users can make edits to the automatically detected notation if there is a mistake or if they want to add to what is already present in the recording. Those who have trouble managing the audio files on their computer should seek a home computer support service for help. Read more »

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August 26th, 2013 by
It’s always the right time to throw a steak on the backyard grill. An app from iDevices takes some of the pressure off the grill chef by monitoring your food via your Apple or Android device. The app developed by iDevices may be the perfect solution for your next party or just right for the non-stop schedule you keep. Read more »
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August 23rd, 2013 by
Many people have experienced the phenomenon where you want to go back to a restaurant, hotel, or park, but you can’t quite remember the name of the place, making it impossible to look up online. Matchbook is a cool product that makes sure this never happens to you again. Through your smartphone’s GPS technology, Matchbook lets you tag the places you’ve been and the places you want to go. With Matchbook, when you’re trying to remember where you went for Italian food that one night in January, all you have to do is whip out your smartphone and Matchbook will remind you. You can tag locations with dates, time, and key words to look up later. This could save many people frustrating nights of being unable to find the place they want to go because of unclear memories. If you have trouble downloading Matchbook or getting your phone’s GPS to work properly, find smartphone tech support and get help. Read more »
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July 10th, 2013 by
When you move to a new town or city, one of the most difficult things to handle is the lack of social connections and support that comes with all-new surroundings. However, there’s now an iPhone app and online service that attempts to solve this problem called Likemind. Likemind acts as a giant bulletin board where users can post “fliers” inviting others to speak with them if they share a specific interest. Fliers can be up to four pages long and users can creatively fill them with text and images in whatever layout they want. Each flier has a specific amount of “tabs” that another user can take in order to contact the poster. There are a limited number of tabs for each flier so if one flier is particularly popular, that user will not get flooded with extreme amounts of spam or contact requests. This cool product also allows users to filter who sees their fliers. You can limit your audience by age or gender in order to target a specific demographic if you wish. If you have trouble using the app on iOS, iPhone tech support is something you should consider. Read more »

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July 3rd, 2013 by
While the rise of the eBook market has made self-publishing a viable concept for new writers, the process of getting your eBook onto online retail stores can still be complicated and difficult. However, a new company called Tablo is looking to change this aspect of the self-publishing process. Tablo is a cloud-based company that offers authors tools to not only help format their novels and short stories, but also easily publish them to online retail stores with a click. This attempt to disrupt the eBook industry could potentially save many writers hours of time and stress if it delivers on its promise of an easier solution. Authors want to spend more time honing their craft and less time navigating the complicated route to getting their work online. Tablo is a cool product that’s in a position to capitalize on this market. Read more »
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July 2nd, 2013 by
There are many services that provide Internet radio, but the vast majority of these services, like Pandora, focus on the musical aspect of radio as opposed to talk radio or spoken word content. G.D. Ramkumar and his company are looking to remedy this with the release of their new mobile app Swell. Ramkumar believes that consumers would engage with a discovery platform for talk radio content as much as they have for personalized Internet music services. That’s why he’s had his company focus on the creation of Swell in an attempt to offer smartphone users an easy way to find great spoken word content tailored specifically to their interests and tastes. Ramkumar sees Swell as an opportunity to make spoken word content accessible and easy for mobile users to enjoy. Those interested in Swell that have trouble installing it on their iPhone should contact iPhone tech support. CEO G.D. Ramkumar is obviously a cool person in technology who knows how to find new potential markets and capitalize. Read more »

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June 13th, 2013 by
It’s a common experience: you turn on your computer, go to Google, Bing or whatever search engine you prefer and you search for local restaurants. You end up with countless choices to sift through and an immense amount of research to do before even leaving the house. Tom Copeman, CEO and founder of Nara, is trying to eliminate this problem with his artificial intelligence based restaurant recommendation service.
The most common model for websites and apps that review and recommend restaurants is usually review-based. There are common listings and individual customers can rate their experiences. However, this leads to inconsistent data and often times, you’ll enjoy a restaurant that someone else will hate, making their review a hindrance more than a help. According to Copeman, Nara handles recommendations differently. Copeman informed Rescuecom that Nara uses artificial intelligence to mine the Internet for information and make more personalized recommendations for you based on its analysis of your preferences and larger trends. Read more »