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June 27th, 2014 by
While the Internet powers most everything we do on a day-to-day basis, it also makes it possible for a number of invasions of our privacy to occur on a regular basis. RESCUECOM is releasing a series of articles, of which this is the first, that will examine privacy issues people face online and demonstrate methods people can use to prevent invasions of their online privacy. Read more »
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November 26th, 2013 by
Video security is an essential aspect of security for many businesses. However, video cameras are difficult and costly to deal with most of the time. Businesses have to attain camera equipment, install the equipment, and pay security guards to keep watch of multiple video monitors imperfectly. Even worse, most of the time companies end up reviewing security footage only to get information on a crime that already happened. VideoIQ is a cool product that wants to change how companies use video security. Using what they call “B.R.A.I.N. technology”, VideoIQ can recognize suspicious events in real-time with specialized software in their cameras. This technology allows VideoIQ to help companies prevent crimes as they happen rather than use video footage to review a theft once someone has already committed it. If it works as the company advertises, VideoIQ could save businesses significant amounts of money in loss and theft prevention. Even with video footage to capture thefts-in-action, many crimes go completely unsolved for storefronts. A video security system that can actually detect suspicious activity and alert security when it happens could prevent many of these crimes from succeeding in the first place. Any enterprise interested in utilizing VideoIQ should have solid business IT support to help install the cameras and connect them to the security system. Read more »

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October 30th, 2013 by
Spambots, hackers, and other intruding forces constantly create problems for businesses that provide online services and products. That’s why companies are constantly looking for new solutions to verify their users. RingCaptcha is a cool product that adds phone verification as a feature for any website or app. Companies only have to add a few lines of code to their site or program and RingCaptcha automatically integrates phone verification security into their product. RingCaptcha contacts customers who try to create new accounts or sign in from unfamiliar locations by phone. By providing these customers specific verification codes by phone, the service confirms that a user’s phone number is both real and their own. Theoretically, this keeps out spambots or any fake accounts that people create to use for illegal or questionable means. RingCaptcha means to provide an added security for companies that want to avoid the hassle of illegitimate user accounts and fraud. Any business that has been the victim of a malware attack, knows how costly office virus removal service can be if they don’t have the proper security measures on their site. Read more »

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September 16th, 2013 by
Using wireless security cameras is a popular way to protect your home or business from intruders. However, many wireless security cameras are difficult to set up and maintain. is a cool product that is aiming for users to avoid the many headaches associated with wireless security cameras. The is an IP camera that adds several unique features based in the cloud to distinguish itself from other video security options. claims that their wireless security takes only seconds to set up properly before use. This is possible because uses a cloud system to record and host your security video. Therefore, you do not need to worry about excessive wiring or connections beyond the wireless network in your home or business. Read more »
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September 6th, 2013 by
How far has identity authentication come? From formerly high tech methods such as face unlock to retinal scanners in action-packed spy movies, technology is moving toward a system that requires “putting your heart into it.” Imagine coming home and, without any action on your part, pulling into an unlocked garage, entering your unlocked home, and entering a room where your music of choice and even your room temperature of choice welcome you home. Add having your favorite dinner on the table and the candles lit and you’d have the perfect picture! Read more »
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August 5th, 2012 by
In the wake of virtually every tragedy involving gun violence, the media and politicians talk quite a bit about responsibility. While responsibility is easy to determine in incidents where a shooter or group of shooters does violence against others, in situations like accidents involving unsecured firearms (or firearms that were secured, but some element of that security failed), upon whose shoulders the responsibility rests may be harder to judge. Regardless, technology now exists to make it far easier to secure your firearms and other valuables so that accidents are less likely to occur and so you might avoid losing your valuables to burglars. Some worthwhile personal security technology is present in Barska’s Standard Biometric Keypad Safe. Read more »
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July 22nd, 2012 by
Security is a concern in the tech sector that only continues to grow. The growth of security services pertaining to computers, smartphones and mobile computing devices is not a reflection on the industry’s unwillingness to adapt; technology continues to change at such a fast rate and hackers continue to adapt as well, necessitating an almost-constant development of new security-related products and services. While many computers have been protected by the most robust anti-viral software ever created, as hackers take on smartphones and mobile computing devices, many of the major software developers have been slow to react. Instead, consumers are discovering the benefits of mobile computing protection software, like Reliaty55. Read more »
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July 19th, 2012 by
As more and more people get cooler and more expensive home electronics devices, it is hard not to feel insecure leaving home. While the obvious solution would be to get a security system, the media portrays home security systems as drastically ineffective. In fact, most people would be hard pressed not to be able to recall a time when they watched a movie or television program and a security system was compromised by cutting the wires from the cameras to the monitors. One of the obvious, real-world, solutions to that problem is to assemble a security system that does not have wires that can be cut. For that, you might want the Uniden Guardian Wireless Video Surveillance System. Read more »
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July 6th, 2012 by
Late last year, there was a news story that was anything but real news, despite how the technology and business press covered it: Verizon had outages. Treated as huge news, because Verizon claims to have the “most reliable network,” Verizon was virtually tarred and feathered for having a few bad days last year, wherein the weather contributed to Verizon services going off-line. What the sensationalists in the media and business sectors neglected to consider was that Verizon’s claim to be the “most reliable network” did not mean that the service would not fail; it is a claim that their network will fail less than its other major competitors! Verizon, of course, got service back up and running, but there were weeks of analysis – i.e. how did this failure of service happen, who’s to blame for the failure, etc. Now, it looks like tech sector enthusiasts are likely to endure a series of similar article. Read more »
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June 17th, 2012 by
With enthusiasm continuing to rise for Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, Batman is cool once again. In fact, while interest in virtually every other super hero seems to be more subject to fashion and trends – Superman, for example, lost a lot of popularity during the 1990s when people were more interested in edgy and dark superheroes and antiheroes – Batman seems to be one of the most consistently popular superheroes in the United States. Perhaps it is because Batman represents an attainable level of heroism, at least in the minds of most people. Batman is, after all, just a man. Sure, he is a billionaire, but financial concerns aside, he is just a ridiculously smart guy with a lot of very cool gadgets. Now, there are two gadgets that could allow you to be more like the Batman by essentially replicating Batman’s famous grappling gun! Read more »