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Mad Cow Disease And Computers

It has been almost eight years since bovine spongiform encephalopathy, more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease, was an international story.  While dramatic agricultural reforms in the meat industry played a large role in keeping Mad Cow Disease from spreading, computer support via computerized models continue to play a key role in monitoring and preventing a Mad Cow outbreak.  Computer models that calculate far more accurately than a single person could are now protecting humans.

According to “Mad Cow And Computer Models: The U.S. Response To BSE,” the sheer number of variables needed to calculate the vectors of a Mad Cow Disease outbreak are staggering.  Despite the seemingly daunting task of correlating all of the necessary data through computer support techniques, the USDA now has a model to predict and calculate the vectors of a Mad Cow Disease outbreak.

One of the significant challenges in predicting and tracing the outbreak of a prion disease like Mad Cow Disease is that the disease is only evident through an autopsy of an infected cow.  Once an infected cow is found, the race begins to trace back all of the relevant factors in that cow’s life.  Those factors include: the food source that each infected cow was fed from, every location where the cow lived, every cow in the herd with the infected cow each time the infected cow was sold and the location of the infected cow’s parents and offspring, if any exist.

To get this data, the USDA must have access to complicated databases of shipping records, sales records and inventory controls for both cattle and the cattle’s food supply.  While the USDA must be vigilant for these models to work, the most common challenge to the model is human error, missing data, or computer support failures.  However, with the database working ideally, the USDA hopes to have a rapid response plan in place to prevent both an outbreak that would endanger the United States and a series of sweeping mass cattle executions that would effectively end the beef industry.

The USDA’s database, if properly maintained, will allow ranchers to target specific cattle when authorities find an infected cow.  Based on feed source, herd and sales records, the USDA would inform every rancher who had a potentially exposed cow in their herds.  In other words, the database provides the possibility that the infected cow’s food source could be traced back and then predicted for all cows in the database.  Then, ranchers would be notified of which of their cows were likely infected with Mad Cow Disease and they could be killed before ever entering the human food chain.  And, if potentially infected cows already entered the human consumption market, the USDA could issue a more precise recall.

The computer models for Mad Cow Disease rely upon vigilance, precision and updates over a long period of time, but they offer the greatest potential for humans to survive an outbreak.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


For A Laugh: Customer Service Computer Support Calls

With all of the changing technologies and new products, having computer support is no laughing matter.  When you need computer repairs, you want a company that provides efficient, professional service that addresses all your computer repair and computer support needs.  Even so, there is a rich amount of humor found in customer service calls to computer support technicians.  Communications problems frequently hamper computer repair over the phone or through online computer support. The inability of the technician to see and directly interact with the equipment they are repairing also creates issues.  The communications issues between computer support personnel and customers are the subject of a number of websites on the Internet.   Here are some of the best:

Computer Stupidities: Calls From Hell – This site features excruciating computer support calls from customers who take every word literally or do not understand the purpose of the disc for the game they just bought!  The computer support technicians attempt to aid customers with support issues and computer repairs with frequently hilarious results.  This site has some of the most in-depth humorous dialogues between computer support workers and actual customers.

Tales From The Techs – For more random computer support calls, technicians upload their humorous stories here.  Less technical than many of the computer repair humor sites, this features stories from the customer support technicians themselves and is worth a few good grins.

Funny Support Calls – Tech Support Jokes – This is a great site for quick jokes, as opposed to in-depth humorous stories between customers and computer support technicians.  These jokes from the perspective of computer repair technicians and computer support professionals are quick zingers that will make you smile and are work-safe.

The Joy Of Tech – For the visually-inclined, this is a tech-themed Internet comic strip that features daily geek humor.  While not limited to computer support jokes, this comic strip is intended for those who see the humor in computer repair and the oddities of computer design.  Anyone who understands the frustration of the computer support technicians on the other humor sites is likely to be computer-literate enough to get a real kick out of this comic strip.

Computer support and computer repair should be done by technicians who are patient, kind and professional.  While there is humor in the foibles of over-the-phone and online computer support calls, be sure to get your service with a company that respects your business and your dignity.  Rescuecom hires their computer support professionals and computer repair technicians with that in mind; our sense of humor is just an added part of the service!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Antiviral Programs: Stick With What The Professionals Use!

In the wake of news stories about viruses and identity theft, Internet security remains a very real concern for everyone who goes online today.  Internet security issues have created a big business for programmers in the virus removal industry. But with dozens of computer anti-virus programs available on the market, it is hard to know which provides the best virus removal and the greatest Internet security.  For that, the best response may be overkill.

Researching Internet security issues and virus removal protocols is enough to make the head spin of anyone who is not a trained computer expert.  Astute computer users who just want to check out what the current threats to their computer are become baffled by technical jargon.  Looking at reports from the major Internet security companies like Symantec are likely to leave the average computer user confused.  After reading their report on the Packed.Generic.340, most computer users will not know how serious a threat it represents to their computer or if they need any form of virus removal.

Many companies that specialize in Internet security rely upon more than one antiviral software product to ensure they are adequately protecting their computer or network.  Some of the leading Internet security companies take the time to test the leading products on criteria like malware detection and virus removal.  AV Comparatives recently released their report on their tests of anti-viral software.  Even that, though, may be too much for the common computer user to handle and process.  Their testing methods are rigorous, methodical and designed for the best minds in Internet security and virus removal to understand.

Businesses only survive online when they have adequate Internet security and powerful virus removal.  Thousands of businesses and home computer users use the Rescuecom Internet Security Suite.  Rescuecom has one of the most reputable Internet security and virus removal products on the market.  As a leader in Internet security and virus removal, Rescuecom has a proven track record for business and home computer users.  Even though the Rescuecom Internet Security Suite may have more virus removal options and greater Internet security provisions than the average user is likely to need, you have to ask, “If the professionals are using this much protection, shouldn’t I?”

The answer, of course, is that you should.  With the threats of identity theft, infections that require aggressive virus removal and emerging Internet security concerns, private computer users should not skimp on their anti-viral software: overkill is safer than being under protected.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Does Media Attention To Twitter Make A Mockery Of Legitimate News?

For several months, the Occupy Wall Street Movement has been going on in New York City.  The protest, currently physically clogging up New York City’s Zuccotti Park, seeks to bring attention to how the 1% of the wealthiest people control the fates of the remaining 99% of the population.  There is a strange disconnect in the literature provided by Occupy Wall Street through their website and the physical protest; it is unclear how the protesters hope to bring change to economic inequality through randomly clogging up a park near the Wall Street financial buildings.

What is fascinating is how every sector of the media is trying to make a statement about Occupy Wall Street.  On November 15, the Wall Street Journal posted a video online in which three reporter/commentators discussed a spike in Twitter activity the night before.  Twitter has been an invaluable tool used by members of Occupy Wall Street to communicate with one another through their smartphones.  The story focused on how Twitter traffic quintupled from about 100,000 tweets with Occupy Wall Street hash tags to 500,000.  This occurred when police came into the park in the middle of the night to clean.

The attention social networking media gets through stories like this is enough to make legitimate journalists and private citizens blanch.  A quick Google search of November 15 and Occupy Wall Street leads readers to surprisingly little information.  Legitimate news sites note that an eviction happened and that authorities allowed protesters back into the park by morning.  In a protest that has had moments when the major news outlets have covered police violence and significant crowd actions, a spike in Twitter traffic pertaining to Occupy Wall Street seems like a non-story.

The Wall Street Journal tacitly admits as much in the podcast when Zachary Seward notes that much of the traffic that contributed to the Twitter spike did not come from people actually in Zuccotti Park.  This is a textbook definition of hearsay and is more an illustration of how fast small events can be blown out of proportion.  When the Wall Street Journal treated what was essentially a high-tech game of “Telephone” as a legitimate news story, Edward R. Murrow rolled over in his grave.

Twitter could be a great asset to the media or to Occupy Wall Street, but the way people who are not involved in stories use Twitter to relay messages as if they were present sets a dangerous standard that journalists today, at the very least at the Wall Street Journal, seem content to follow.  The non-story from the Wall Street Journal calls to mind a brilliant parody done by The Onion News Network about assumed casualties from a train wreck.  At least viewers for The Onion know to expect humor as opposed to serious stories; we expect better from The Wall Street Journal.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Make Your Computer Fast Again!

One of the most common problems computer repair companies encounter is with customers who have slow running computers.  A slow running computer can require computer support, but the need for computer repair may be prevented through some simple general maintenance.  General maintenance is limited to actions on the computer that a novice with a limited understanding of how computers work may accomplish without harming the computer.

Slow running computers are computers that lag during functions that had once been mundane.  These are not problems that require computer repair, just vigilance in general maintenance.  Most computer users are unaware that the tools needed to solve slow running computer issues are on their computer already.  Computers run slow because they lose space on the hard drive due to information and programs, some of which run independent of the user, like malware and viruses.

But not all slow running computers require significant computer repair or computer support.  Instead, users may easily eliminate many of the problem files through tools available on their desktop.  The easiest way to stop a slow running computer from developing problems that require computer repair or additional computer support from professionals is to run a Disk Cleanup.  In the Windows Accessories tools, there is a Disk Cleanup option.  By cleaning out temporary Internet files, the recycle bin and Downloaded Program Files, even a computer that has only been in use for three days may free up 2 GB of space!

Many computer repair experts recommend removing unwanted applications as well.  Without additional computer support, you may simply remove unwanted or unused programs through the “Add Or Remove Programs” function on the Start menu of Windows computers.  This is an easy process, but computer repair professionals will recommend that you do a full back up before making changes to programs, just in case you accidentally remove a program that you actually need.  After you remove programs you no longer use and find your system working faster, you may want to make a backup of the cleaner version of your hard drive.

The other general maintenance procedure that requires no additional computer support or aid from a computer repair service would be running a Defrag of your registry. After backing up the registry, use the Advanced Registry Optimizer to eliminate files, programs and applications that your computer no longer uses and should not look for.

Finally, you may prevent a call to a computer repair service simply by installing and regularly using an antivirus program.  With several antivirus programs on the market, there are many options that novices may load without requiring additional computer support from professionals.  Eliminating viruses, spyware and malware is a great way to get a slow running computer back up to speed.

If you are a novice, you need not become an expert in computer repair to keep your computer running fast.  Without additional computer support, you have the tools to protect your computer!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Key To Surviving Hard Drive Crashes: Back It Up!

To prevent the inevitable computer repair that a hard drive failure demands, it is essential to develop a regular, orderly method of backing up your hard drive data.  There are many services that offer data recovery once a hard drive or data storage device fails, but prevention is the best method for keeping data safe and secure.

Hard drives, like cars, light bulbs and textbooks, are designed to fail and be replaced.  The industry of data recovery, data storage, and computer repair exists because of the planned obsolescence of the hard drive and other components.  Despite leaps forward in recent years in devices for data recovery and storage, the magnetic medium of the hard drive remains the standard in computers.  With data recovery a problem for most computer operators and computer repair coming most often as a sudden, unbudgeted expense, prevention is the best way to survive the loss of your data from hard drive failure.

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Apple More-or-Less Fixes Battery Problems

By most accounts, Apple’s iPhone 4S is a device beautifully made—elegant, powerful, and sophisticated. Many people even consider its price tag (if bought with two-year contract) to be quite attractive, too. What’s not getting the best reviews, though, is its battery life, at least that was the case until Thursday. Apple issued a software upgrade for the iPhone’s OS to take care of some of the battery problems. Still, what appeared to be a smooth and speedy response by Apple has many users complaining that the upgrade has exasperated the problem.

Quickly after Apple’s iPhone 4 hit the shelves, users started to complain about antenna problems. Holding the phone in a certain way (covering the lower left side) caused reception to drop by a few bars. Even now, there does not seem to be any true consensus among users and technology experts about what caused the problem or even how serious it was. Regardless, in the smooth way that Apple has long since mastered, the company dealt with the problem by offering refunds or free corrective covers for those who wanted them.

Similarly, a few days after users got a chance to play with the new iPhone 4S, battery-related problems started to emerge. Users complained that the battery life was unusually short. Apple then announced that the battery problems were related to a software bug that caused the phone to use up power even when it didn’t need to, and that it was working on providing a tech support software update.

Many users were hoping that the patch would bring out the panoramic photo capacity that tech-savvy users discovered hidden in the phone’s OS, but according to All Things D, this hasn’t happened, though it almost certainly will in the near future.

The battery problems with the iPhone 4S have been a hot topic for a while now, especially since some users are reporting that the upgrade has created new problems related to Wi-Fi connectivity and microphone usage. Luckily for Apple, the problems seem to be software related, unlike the antenna related ones, which means their fix will be a lot cheaper. Thursday’s update is available both over-the-air and through iTunes and involved no costly recalls or free case giveaways.

As for users who are still experiencing problems with the iPhones, a little patience will go a long way. Apple will certainly provide more and more updates as they become necessary. Indeed, most users are probably still too busy drooling over their new phones that they’re not too upset at being iPhone lab rats.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter

Portability does not need to be a trade-off with quality with the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter.  Today, consumers use their telephones to take pictures and are encouraged to download digital downloads of movies, digital textbooks and audio performances to their laptop computers.  While this may appeal to tweens and those whose only computer device is a portable phone, serious movie lovers and large groups of people need something more.  For that, they need a converter.

Virtually every computer and laptop computer on the market today features a VGA port.  The video port allows users to export images and sound to devices that project those media.  The current standard, since mid-2009, is High Definition.  High Definition televisions and projectors, however, do not accept VGA or less refined video signals.  For that, users need the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter.

The Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter is a gadget that converts the VGA signal from a laptop computer or desktop computer port to a High Definition signal.  By connecting a standard VGA cable from the computer to the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter and an HDMI cable from the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter to the HD device, users may watch movies, share pictures or present computer-based presentations on much larger devices.

The Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter transforms a laptop computer into an educational tool when it is connected to an HD projector.  A home PC may similarly stream movies from the Internet to an HDTV or through a digital projector when connected to the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter.  As a business tool, one needs only their laptop and the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter to connect to common devices and share information with large groups.

In addition to the relatively low expense – the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter is available online for $56 – $80 – the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter is exceptionally easy to use.  It requires no software to transform the signals from a video card to the HD device.  Moreover, by using physical connections instead of wireless means, one maintains data and network security.  The Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter allows users to share information, presentations and art with a lower risk of being hacked or requiring virus removal.

For a comparatively low investment, the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter allows portable devices to become effective presentation tools.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Trouble with Tablets

As cool as tablets are, they still have to overcome plenty of tech support issues before they join the realm of standard computing devices. The biggest tech support issue facing tablets is functionality. Tablets operate largely like fancy smartphones. Even Apple’s iPad is closer to an iPhone than to a laptop. Additionally, tablets need a lot more tech support to tackle problems relating to connectivity, storage and usability.

Tablets are gaining a lot of popularity among business travelers and people who need light, portable computing devices, but such users often discover that connecting their tablets to printers is complicated and messy because tablets significantly lack printing tech support. To connect a tablet to a printer, it is often necessary to use a third party app, as tablet makers haven’t provided sufficient tech support yet.

Another tablet limitation is web browsing. Tech support for tablet web browsers is also limited, often forcing users to use multiple browsers to access different websites. One exception to this may by Amazon’s Kindle Fire, which is due for release next week. The Kindle Fire comes with its own web browser, SILK, which was designed exclusively for the device. SILK does not operate on any tablet or device other than the Kindle Fire. Because it was created for the Kindle, rather than made to work with it, Amazon says that browsing using SILK will be a super fast and a very smooth experience.

Tablet computer repairs are another major limitation of the devices. Computer repair work for tablets is usually tricky because of the devices’ delicate and compact nature. Taking risks with cheap or self-help computer repair work can be very risky. It’s always better to seek out professional tablet computer repairs that have a history of excellent computer repair work than to trust amateurs. It’s easy for the inexperienced person attempting to provide tablet computer repair to damage the device by merely trying to take it apart.

Software computer repairs aren’t as risky, but that’s no excuse to take them for granted. Again, always seek out professionals as your first option. Don’t wait for an inexperienced provider to try—and fail—at fixing your tablet. Bad computer repairs can cost you to lose valuable data.

Because tablets are still in their Alpha phase, we can expect that they will continue to need plenty of tech support. And who knows, perhaps enough time and advanced tech support will actually succeed in making tablets a standard computing device, a title still monopolized by computers and laptops.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Know When to Call the Pros.

If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’re sitting at a computer.  Unless you happen to be a computer repair specialist, chances are also good that your idea of how that computer works is a bit vague.  So what will you do if your computer malfunctions?  Will you call a computer repair specialist?  Could you deal with the problem with help from a computer support hotline?  Or would you attempt your computer repair at home? With those questions in mind, let’s take a look at some common computer repair problems and what the average user can do about them.

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