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Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder

It is hard to think of water pressure as cool, until there is a problem with yours and you need a device to monitor or test water flow and that is what the Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder does. The Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder is available in one of two kits for home or industrial use and the specificity of the design is most impressive.  In the kit, the Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder has the connectors and relevant computer services needed to make the data collection easy and versatile along a number of consumer and municipal needs.

The Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder is a durable gadget that screws onto the 2 ½” nozzle outlet on a fire hydrant or the end of a garden hose.  For private citizens, the Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder collects data to reveal water pressure problems to a landlord or service provider.  The Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder protects the data because each unit is durable with a battery that lasts about seven years.

Of course, most people should not need seven or more years of testing their water pressure.  The Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder is ideal for monitoring industrial water flow and while that may seem boring or lame, when the fire department comes and attaches their lines to the fire hydrant nearest your house, it becomes a very different matter!  The Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder allows cities or towns to test fire hydrant pressure easily.  Crews outfitted with the Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder from the Flow Test Kit II-D can travel hydrant to hydrant to check pressure to find leaks, cracks, or other pressure problems resulting from environmental factors like changes in temperature.  Workers simply open the fire hydrant, attach the Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder with the diffuser and they get an accurate model of the flow from each hydrant.  Through those tests, the Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder ensures that every citizen has equal access, not just to the water, but to water delivered at a great enough pressure and volume to make a difference in any building fire.

One need not worry about retesting or data recovery with the HPR-31, as the raw data captured by the HPR-31 is uploaded to the Palm Pilot in the HPR Kit II-D and the Flow Test Kit II-D.  The easy-to-use connectors have no exposed electronics which is ideal when one is working with a lot of forceful water!

Far too often, we take for granted essential services or aspects of daily life.  Some of the coolest gadgets are designed simply to make sure those services work properly or make sure service is delivered uninterrupted.  The Telog HPR-31 Hydrant Pressure Recorder is an essential part of making sure water gets where it needs to be, in a useful way.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive

As Breaking Dawn Part 1 hits theaters, it is hard to deny that for a surprisingly large population around the world, The Twilight Saga is cool. Never before has a science fiction or fantasy book or movie series so effectively marketed merchandise toward young women.  Take, for example, the Twilight Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive.  The Twilight Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive makes flash drives cool for Twi-hards.

Flash drives have, within the last five years, evolved from a secure means of storing data and media files off-site to a portable, status symbol.  Once the pride of geeks trading downloaded or pirated files, flash drives are now a ubiquitous item in American culture, flaunted in virtually every demographic.  Far from simply being a useful tool, soccer moms use them to show off their support for breast cancer research, game-players accessorize them with their favorite video games and Twi-hards of all ages can use them to choose Team Edward or Team Jacob.

Funko, known more for making trendy toys from genre films, produced the Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive to coincide with the release of New Moon, but because the Crest is timeless iconography from the entire Twilight Saga, it continues to remain popular in Twilight fan circles.  Fans of the Twilight Saga will enjoy that the USB flash drive comes pre-loaded with the soundtrack to New Moon.

The statement Twi-hards are making, though, is that they love the romantic vampires of the Twilight Saga and the crest of the Cullen family does that excellently.  The 2 1/2” tall flash drive is black with the distinctive silver-gray griffin embossed into its oval surface.  The only difference between the USB’s crest and the one shown in all of the Twilight films is that a bar below the shamrocks features the title “Twilight” on the protective cap.

Usage of the Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive is simple.  Because it features a USB port, it easily connects to any computer or USB connected device.  The 2 GB of memory the flash drive possesses makes it ideal for storing images and music, in addition to one’s data storage needs.  With the Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive, Funko’s customers have been pleased for years at how the Tymemachine Powered by Funko product makes data recovery both stylish and easy.

Far less risky than picking out jewelry for a Twilight fan – there is a lot of different jewelry for all of the specific characters – the Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive makes for a practical gift for the tech-savvy Twi-hard.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Kindle Fire – The Essentials

Tuesday, November 15 saw the addition of the Kindle Fire tablet computer to a marketplace that has been dominated by Apple’s iPad.  Apple popularized the tablet computer with the release of the iPad in 2010, despite the fact that Microsoft released the Microsoft Tablet PC almost eight years prior.  Since the release of the iPad, major manufacturers like Sony, Motorola, and Acer have produced tablet computers, though as of October 2011, Apple retained 67% of the world’s tablet market share based on sales.  The Kindle Fire is’s offering to the tablet computer market and for those who have been pleased with the Kindle, the Kindle Fire is likely to make a great upgrade.

The Kindle Fire is instantly inviting with a sticker price of $199, in comparison to the baseline iPad 2 at $499, making it an affordable option as the holiday season arrives.  The Kindle Fire is over a third of a pound lighter than the iPad 2 and that can make a difference as the key element for tablet computers is portability.  With changing weight restrictions on planes, even a quarter pound can make a difference.

Designed for the book-reading crowd that made the Kindle popular, the Kindle Fire offers a color screen and the ability to play music and movies as well as the Kindle-formatted digital books.  Side by side with other Kindle products, the Kindle Fire is visually a shocker; the full-color screen erupts with a vibrancy that is likely to make Kindle users want to upgrade from the standard Kindle.  The Kindle Fire reminds users of the first time they experienced the printing leap from dot matrix to color laser printing.  The transformation of media is vivid, though it is hard to imagine why scholarly young people for whom reading became cool on the Kindle would need the Kindle Fire if not to abandon that pursuit in favor of the movies, television shows and music videos that the Kindle Fire suddenly opens up to users.

The main advantage the iPad 2 has over the Kindle Fire is in the memory department.  The Kindle Fire has 8 GB of memory, of which only 6 GB is available for user content.  While that represents, according to Amazon, enough space for 80 apps plus six thousand books, it is only space for ten movies.  The saving grace for the Kindle Fire’s lighter storage capacity comes in the way the Kindle Fire uses it. Because Amazon content may be stored off-device with the Cloud technology, the Kindle Fire may become a valuable tool to access a library that is vastly larger than the tablet device itself.

In short, the Kindle Fire is prepared to transform the market Amazon popularized with the Kindle, usurping Apple’s app-based iPad with a media-focused tablet that encourages users to do more than just read.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Laptop and Smartphone Thieves, Beware!

PREY is a free open-source program that’s a great way to track lost or stolen laptops and smartphones. PREY is quite brilliant. PREY anti-theft software lets owners play private investigator for free. The software helps users keep track of their phones or laptops and can help users find their devices if they are ever stolen.

The software, described as silent but deadly by its creators, works by remaining dormant on its host device until it is activated by a signal. Disgruntled victims of thefts can activate PREY on a lost laptop by logging into the connected PREY account online. Those who want to track their lost smartphones can do so by sending a text message to the phone to activate its resident PREY. The standard activation message is “GO PREY,” though this can be customized.

According to PREY’s website, once the software is activated, it allows users to gather information about their lost or stolen devices’ location, hardware and network status. Users can also trigger specific actions on the device. Outlook or Thunderbird data on a missing laptop can be remotely hidden. Users who use PREY to track a stolen laptop, for example, can remotely activate the missing device’s webcam and use it to take pictures of the culprit. A user can also see how his or her stolen device is being used, and look at the screen. Ideally, a PREY user would get a glance of the thief logging into a facebook page or email account to get his or her information.

PREY is designed to automatically connect to the Internet to allow its host device to be tracked. When no Internet network service is available, the software tries to connect to the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot. PREY takes advantage of its smartphone’s GPS to send information about the device’s location. In laptops, the software uses the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot to triangulate and narrow in on its location according to

As a free, open-source software, PREY is quite remarkable. For one thing, it works everywhere! There are no geographical limitations on where it can work. Right now though, PREY is only compatible with Android phones and does not work with iPads or iPhones. However, its developers say they’re working on these compatibility issues.

PREY is not a foolproof method of catching thieves and restoring stolen devices, though. The developers recommend contacting the police as the final step in the recovery process.

Finally, users who are concerned about privacy can rest assured because PREY is not a malware, and it does not behave like one. PREY’s website explains that unless the software is activated, it remains dormant with no activity. The developer states that PREY does not collect any private information about its users, nor does it store the information that passes through its servers, so the software doesn’t pose a threat to its users’ Internet security. Now, if only the facebook people would learn to be this nice.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Illegal Download Site Targeted by Hackers

Threats to Internet security continue appearing in the form of cybercriminals seeking profits from the ignorance of users.  Downloading files from the web, though we do it all the time, involves the risk of infecting your computer with a virus.  A clever hacker may exploit even excellent Internet security.  This necessitates virus removal to clean your system.  Average users suffer through Internet security problems regularly.  Over the past year, the Internet security systems of a number of high profile targets, including American defense contractors, Sony, Google, and many others, fell victim to cyber attacks.  A very recent example is that cybercriminals compromised the internet security of the file-sharing giant BitTorrent.

Widely known as one of the world’s largest illegal file-sharing sites, BitTorrent also hosts a large number of legal downloads.  This time BitTorrent was the victim of illegal activity.  Hackers broke through the site’s Internet security, injecting a type of malicious software known as “scareware” into the download software that powers file transfers.  Virus removal of scareware is potentially difficult, depending on the user’s level of expertise.  The internet security implications of such an intrusion are that they can render the files of a familiar website vulnerable to a hacker’s program access to information which unsuspecting users consider safe.  This requires immediate virus removal action.

The intrusion reportedly occurred at 4:20 am Pacific Standard Time on September 13, 2011 as BitTorrent and services became compromised.  The company reported this intrusion itself later that day on the company’s blog.  The false download files were only in place for two hours before BitTorrent employees took servers offline and corrected their Internet security flaws.  Virus removal is necessary for anyone who accidently downloaded the fake files.  The scareware installed on users’ systems is a fake anti-virus program called Security Shield.  Infected systems see a notification pop up informing users that their computer is infected with a virus.  It offers virus removal if the program is paid for by credit card.

Users suffering from this malicious software should attempt to utilize their virus removal programs to restore Internet security.  If you are unable to remove the program, consider contacting your proven reliable computer support company.  Their knowledge and expertise could save a lot of time and headaches.  Downloading anything from the web tests your Internet security.  Always keep anti-virus and virus removal software up to date to protect your system from harmful software.  The thieves and bandits are out there, and we have to be careful.  However, we can handle a virus intrusion in a timely manner with experts trained  in quick restoration of internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


RESCUECOM Releases Q1 2011 Computer Reliability Report

The results are in for RESCUECOM’s first Computer Reliability Report of 2011, Lenovo claims the top spot!

SYRACUSE, N.Y., Jun. 6, 2011 — RESCUECOM’s Computer Reliability Report reveals the top five manufacturers with the best overall computer reliability.

“There have been some interesting changes over the last 3 months. We are in a time of rapid technical change and consumers more than ever need to have up-to-date unbiased guidance.” stated David Milman CEO of RESCUECOM.

The Computer Reliability Report gives an unbiased summary of the most reliable personal computer manufacturers. The top five brands with the best overall reliability in Q1 2011 are:

  1. IBM/Lenovo (254)
  2. Asus (242)
  3. Toshiba (164)
  4. Apple (149)
  5. HP/Compaq (122)

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Next Windows is Almost Ready

Personal technology goes far beyond just a home computer. So, Microsoft designed an operating system modified to perform on many different personal devices. Windows 8, due to release next year, adapts to each product that runs it.

Rescuecom has five things customers need to know about the upcoming operating system.

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Apple Gives Up Adobe Flash War: Both Companies Win!

The digital video making and viewing community came together a little more, recently.  Apple lifted the ban on Adobe Flash Player appearing in iPhone or iPad, ending online compatibility issues.

Last year, Apple refused to work with Flash, the most popular additional program for creating and viewing multi-media websites. The media creation and viewing program’s use restricted costumers to certain devices. Adobe blocked access to Flash from Apple devices. Apple’s continually expanding mobile devices struggled to view images and videos supported by the additional program.

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Five Things You Need to Know About Windows Phone 7

Microsoft has chosen to re-renter the smartphone marketplace with a new OS – Windows Phone 7.  A highly anticipated and much debated entry into the mobile OS arena, WP7 is one of Microsoft’s most important releases in years.  To help you understand WP7 and decide whether it’s right for you, Rescuecom’s computer support and computer repair specialists share the five things you need to know about Windows Phone 7. Read more »

HP’s Slate Targets Enterprise, Not the iPad

HP, long expected to be one of Apple’s main competitors in the tablet market, has fired its first shot at the competition, and it’s an interesting one.

With little fanfare, the company released its Slate 500 tablet, running Microsoft’s Windows 7 OS.  Since HP acquired Palm earlier this year, it had been widely speculated that the company’s first tablet release would feature Palm’s WebOS.

HP has now announced that a WebOS tablet will be released sometime in 2011. Read more »

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